Thirteen more succumbed to COVID-19 in Tamil Nadu which reported 1,091 fresh cases on Tuesday pushing the infection count breaches the 24,000 mark, according to health department.
Countries where people believe everyone should mask outdoors had more success in controlling #COVID19
— Prabhdeep Kaur (@kprabhdeep) June 2, 2020
The death toll has risen to 197 while the infection tally surged to 24,586. This is the third straight day the state is witnessing more than 1000 cases. The state reported 1,162 cases yesterday and on Sunday the number was 1,149, bulletin said.
Chennai with 809 COVID-19 cases today continued to witness the maximum number of cases among, totalling 16,585 cases till date.
According to the bulletin, 536 people got cured today, totalling 13,706 so far. The number of active cases, including those in isolation wards, stood at 10,680, the bulletin added.