The 5th Vande Bharat train will begin operations on November 10 on the Chennai-Bengaluru-Mysuru route. The first Vande Bharat Express train was flagged off on February 15, 2019, on the New Delhi-Kanpur-Allahabad-Varanasi route.
The government has dedicated significant efforts towards strengthening the ‘Make in India’ campaign, and Vande Bharat train is one of the success stories.
In his address to the nation on August 15, 2021, from the ramparts of the Red Fort, Prime Minister Modi announced that during the 75 weeks of the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence, 75 Vande Bharat trains will connect every corner of the country.
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PM flags off Vande Bharat Express from Una in Himachal Pradesh to New Delhi
On Thursday, PM Modi flagged off the inaugural run of the fourth Vande Bharat Express from Amb Andaura, Una to New Delhi.