Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has asked the municipal commissioners of six major cities to handle the day-to-day work till elections to these civic bodies are held.
The five-year term of elected representatives of these six municipal corporations – Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Rajkot, Jamnagar, and Bhavnagar, is ending on December 13, an official release said on Thursday.
However, no decision has been taken yet about the elections due to the coronavirus situation.
To ensure that people living in these cities do not suffer in the absence of elected representatives, the chief minister has asked the municipal commissioners of these six cities to handle day-to-day work till the first meeting of the elected wing is convened after the polls, it said.
However, municipal commissioners cannot take any policy decision during this period, the statement said.
On Wednesday, the chief minister had asked chief officers of 51 municipalities in Gujarat to handle the day-to-day work until elections are held to these civic bodies.
These municipalities include Dholka and Viramgam in Ahmedabad district, Nadiad and Kapadvanj in Kheda, Deesa and Palanpur in Banaskantha and Mehsana, Kadi, Unjha, and Visnagar municipalities of Mehsana district.