As part of the celebrations leading up to its 92nd anniversary on Tuesday, 08 October 2024, the Indian Air Force organized a special event the “Sadbhavana Walkathon” at Air Force Station Avadi on Wednesday, 02 October 2024. The event featured a 9 km walk for men and a 7 km walk for women and children.
To mark #IndianAirForceDay2024, IAF Avadi Station led by Air Cmde PS Vaidya, Air Officer Commanding, held a “Sadbhavana Walkathon” today, featuring a walk of 9 km for men and 7 km for women and children. #SwachataHiSeva2024 @giridhararamane @IAF_MCC @HQ_IDS_India @tracomiaf
— Defence PRO Chennai (@Def_PRO_Chennai) October 2, 2024
A diverse group of participants, including air warriors, NC(E)s, Defence Security Corps personnel, civilians, and their families, took part in the walkathon. The contingent was led by Air Commodore PS Vaidya, Air Officer Commanding of Air Force Station Avadi. Enthusiastic participation from the Air Force community fostered a spirit of unity and camaraderie.
- The event features a 9 km walk for men and a 7 km walk for women and children.
- Air Commodore PS Vaidya, Air Officer Commanding of Air Force Station Avadi leads the contingent
- Air Commodore Vaidya and Indrani Vaidya, President of AFFWA (Local) fete the winners
The walkathon aimed to promote national unity and honor the sacrifices of the nation’s heroes. Winners of the event were felicitated by Air Commodore Vaidya and Indrani Vaidya, President of AFFWA (Local).