In a first of its kind in the country, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin launched the Tamil Nadu Climate Change Mission on Friday to protect the natural resources in the state besides restoring them on a long-term basis.
And the Tamil Nadu Climate Change Mission was successfully launched today after the two day Summit #TNClimateMission #TNClimateSummit2022
— Supriya Sahu IAS (@supriyasahuias) December 9, 2022
The state will achieve carbon neutrality much ahead of 2070 target set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said while launching the pioneering initiative, which takes the climate agenda on priority with district missions and climate officers already in place in the state.
- Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin launched the Tamil Nadu Climate Change Mission on Friday to protect the natural resources in the state besides restoring them on a long-term basis.
- Chief Minister inaugurates the sanitation workers development scheme to protect the welfare of conservancy workers in the state
The state is the first to launch its own Climate Change Mission to make Tamil Nadu a climate-smart state.
“Let the Dravidian model guide (the nation) not only in social justice but also in ecological justice,” Stalin said in a tweet, after launching the mission at the TN Climate Summit 2022.
During the budget for 2021-2022, the state government announced the launch of the Tamil Nadu Climate Change Mission for an outlay of Rs 500 crore to undertake climate change management and mitigation activities. Following this, the government established India’s first ‘Tamil Nadu Green Climate Company — a special purpose vehicle – to implement three major nature conservation projects namely Green Tamil Nadu Mission, Tamil Nadu Wetlands and Tamil Nadu Climate Change.
“Our government views climate change as a major humanitarian crisis. Global warming has occurred due to high carbon emissions. Many scientists have said the world should reach carbon neutral by 2050. Last year, the Centre declared that it will become carbon neutral by 2070. Let me assure that Tamil Nadu will achieve carbon neutrality before that,” the Chief Minister said.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the World Resources Institute, Anna University and the National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management were signed on the occasion, to help the government establish 10 smart villages, 25 green schools and achieve blue flag beaches.
Earlier in Madurai, the Chief Minister inaugurated the sanitation workers development scheme to protect the welfare of conservancy workers in the state.
It will be implemented on a pilot project basis in select local bodies.
The Chief Minister distributed protective gear to five beneficiaries at the event held at Arignar Anna Complex.