Disney+ Hotstar launches the trailer of their new Hotstar Specials – Aar Ya Paar, a gripping tale of an underdog trying to save his tribe and survive in the modern world. The action-drama series is created by Sidharth Sengupta and produced by Jyoti Sagar and Sidharth Sengupta’s Edgestorm Ventures LLP , directed by Glen Baretto, Ankush Mohla and Neel Guha releases on December 30, 2022 exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar.
The high paced action drama is helmed by Aditya Rawal, Patralekha, Sumeet Vyas, Ashish Vidyarthi, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Aasif Sheikh, Shilpa Shukla, Varun Bhagat, Nakul Sehdev and many others. The series follows the journey of Sarju played by Aditya Rawal, the protagonist and a tribal man with a formidable talent in archery. He is fighting for the survival of his tribe against the modern world, its corrupt political and financial machinery, that catapults him into the world of big crime as he emerges to be a deadly mercenary assassin.
Showrunner and Producer Sidharth Sengupta said, “When two different worlds collide, they often lead to conflict and chaos. Hotstar Specials’ Aar Ya Paar is a story that revolves around a unique collision brought about by human spirit and survival in a world of greed and power. The series has multiple character arcs, differentiated storytelling and brilliant actors to narrate the story. I am grateful for the association with Disney+ Hotstar and taking the world of Aar Ya Paar to the global audience”
Actor Aditya Rawal, said, “As a character, Sarju wants to protect his land and his people, and will go to any length to accomplish his goal. Different shades of the character emerge as he deals with one challenge after another. I am grateful to Sidharth Sengupta and Disney+ Hotstar for giving me the opportunity to play Sarju on Hotstar Specials’ Aar Ya Paar.”