Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Thursday announced that an Olympic academy would be inaugurated in Tiruchirapalli to create an opportunity for sports persons to train for them to perform in international sports events. The upcoming Olympic academy at Tiruchirappalli is one among the four Olympic academies coming up in the state.
- Udaynidhi Stalin has been conferred with the responsibilities of poverty alleviation, special programme implementation, and women’s development, adding that he would prove himself through his work in these departments: CM.
Speaking at a function in Tiruchirapalli to distribute welfare assistance to needy people, he noted that Udayanidhi Stalin, when he became a legislator for the first time in May 2021, had asked the people to judge him by his performance, and in due course of time, earned appreciation from people through his commendable performance as a legislator.
கடந்த ஆண்டைப் போலவே இந்த ஆண்டின் இறுதியிலும் திருச்சியில் மாபெரும் அரசு விழா!
இளைஞரும் மகளிரும் எளியோரும் மனமகிழ பல நூறு கோடி ரூபாய் மதிப்பிலான திட்டங்கள், கடனுதவிகள், நல உதவிகள்!#SIPCOT, #TNPL, #OlympicAcademy எனத் திருச்சிக்கு எழுச்சி தரும் முயற்சிகளோடு நிறைகிறது 2022!
— M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) December 29, 2022
Stalin said that Udaynidhi Stalin has been conferred with the responsibilities of poverty alleviation, special programme implementation, and women’s development, adding that he would prove himself through his work in these departments.
திருச்சி மாவட்ட மக்கள் பயன்பெறும் வகையில் மாண்புமிகு முதலமைச்சர் @mkstalin அவர்கள், ரூ.238.41 கோடி மதிப்பிலான 5635 முடிவுற்ற பணிகளை தொடங்கிவைத்தும், ரூ.308.29 கோடி மதிப்பிலான 5951 புதிய பணிகளுக்கு இன்று அடிக்கல் நாட்டியும் உரையாற்றிய விழாவில் பங்கேற்றோம். @KN_NEHRU @Anbil_Mahesh
— Udhay (@Udhaystalin) December 29, 2022
Udayanidhi Stalin announced immediately after becoming a minister that his first aim was to make Tamil Nadu the sports hub of the country and that he would strive hard for this. He has been travelling across the state to understand issues related to sports development, programme implementation, poverty alleviation, and women’s development.