Neeraj Joshi’s directorial crime thriller Gujarati film “Hello” made under the banner of Parimal Patel Motion Pictures has recently launched its blockbuster trailer rekindling many of the much hyped controversial fake encounter cases of Gujarat Police. It also tries to throw light on the trials and tribulations of policing, the nexus between drug mafia and the men in khakhi. And above all it eulogises many ‘Singhams’ who have controlled organized crimes by staging encounters. Like two sides of a coin there exists good police as well as bad police.
Both the director and the editor have done excellent job in keeping the audience at their seats’ edge throughout the film. Although it is a crime thriller it does not have bone-chilling, blood-clotting violence scenes as well as obscene acts. Certainly, it is a wholesome family entertainer and a must watch.
- A prank by college friends takes a dangerous turn
- How will these youngsters cope with the situation as a responsible citizen?
- Darshan Pandya, Mazel Vyas and Ayushi Dholakia are making their debut in Gujarati film industry with this film
- It also tries to throw light on the trials and tribulations of policing, the nexus between drug mafia and the men in khakhi.
This film attracting crime thriller genre loving youngsters was released in theaters on Friday. The trailer was loved by the audience as it showed a lot of suspense. During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?” Their joke takes a very dangerous turn and what happens next will be known only after watching this movie.
Darshan Pandya, Mazel Vyas and Ayushi Dholakia are making their debut in Gujarati film industry with this film. Darshan Pandya, who has made his acting debut in Hindi films like ‘Ramsetu’ and ‘Parmanu.’
Darshan Pandya says, “Gujarati film industry always welcomes newcomers. This is my first Gujarati film, and I am very excited. Youngsters’ group usually plays pranks but when they have to take responsibility and face the situation, how they take huge steps forward is majorly shown in this film. I have worked in Hindi cinema before, I always wanted to work in my mother tongue film and with the film “Hello” my dream is coming true. This film, which shows a different subject, will definitely be liked by the audience.”
Apart from Jayesh More, the film also features Darshan Pandya, Mazel Vyas, Rishabh Joshi, Neil Gagdani, Ayushi Dholakia and Nidhi Sheth in important roles. Produced by Parimal Patel, the film is directed by Neeraj Joshi and co-produced by Romal Patel and Darshil Patel. Hanif Saikh choreographed action in this film. The film is distributed by Panorama Studios. Partha Bharat Thakkar has given the film’s top-notch background score.
There is also a song in the mellifluous voice of Bhumi Trivedi to give soulful feeling.