HDFC Bank on Thursday announced the launch of its 500th branch in Tamil Nadu in Madurai district. The branch at Arasaradi was inaugurated virtually by the state Finance Minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan from the Secretariat in Chennai, a bank release said. Senior executives from HDFC Bank including Sanjeev Kumar, Branch Banking Head, South were present on the occasion.
HDFC Bank today launched its 500th branch in Tamil Nadu at Arasaradi, Madurai District. It was inaugurated digitally by the Honourable Finance and Human Resource Management Minister, Dr Palanivel Thiagarajan from the state secretariat.
— HDFC Bank News (@HDFCBankNews) March 30, 2023
The bank will continue to expand its network in the state with a greater focus on semi-urban and rural locations, the release added. HDFC Bank opened its first branch in the state in 1995, at Anna Salai here.
”It is a privilege to be touching this landmark (500 branches) in the state. We are committed to helping the people of Tamil Nadu progress further through our world class products and services backed by a strong culture of service,” Kumar said.
”HDFC Bank is committed to financial inclusion, and this is part of our endeavor to take banking to the remotest corners of the state. We will continue with our focus on semi urban and rural areas,” said R Suresh, Regional Head- Rural Banking, South.
As of December 31,2022, the bank had a nationwide distribution network of 7,183 branches and 19,007 ATMs/Cash Deposit & Withdrawal Machines (CDMs) across 3,552 cities / towns, the release said.