Tamil Nadu has a pride moment as a farmer’s daughter cracks the big job in a placement season of IIM Sambalpur with Singapore-based Tolaram Group with a Rs 64.15 lakh package and she will be working at the company’s Nigeria operations. In a unique case, IIM Sambalpur has provided 100% placements to its MBA (2021-2023) batch, the top two students who have cracked jobs with the highest packages belong to Tamil Nadu, and Rajasthan Ramya R. from Salem has successfully cracked the 5-6 rounds of interviews taken by Tolaram Group during her college placement season. She was selected basis on her management and analytical skills.
Ramya R, a student of IIM Sambalpur (Orissa) said, “I am really thankful to IIM Sambalpur and the faculties who trained me throughout this rigorous journey. I would like to credit my success to my parents. My parents being farmers have always inspired me to do hard work and bring excellence in whatever I do.”
We feel proud to announce that IIM Sambalpur has successfully concluded its Placement Season for the MBA Batch 2021-23 with 100% Placement.
This year’s placement season witnessed participation from 130+ companies, with an increase of 56% in first-time recruiters.
— IIM Sambalpur (@iim_sambalpur) March 29, 2023
IIM Sambalpur has concluded 100% of final placements successfully for its MBA (2021-2023) batch with the highest package of Rs 64.61 LPA (Domestic) and Rs 64.15 LPA (International). The average salary is Rs 16.64 LPA and the Median salary is Rs 16 LPA for the MBA batch 2021-2023. However, the average salary for female students is Rs 18.25 LPA. The average for the top 10% of the batch is Rs. 31.69 LPA. The prominent recruiters are Microsoft, Vedanta, Tolaram, Amul, Adani, EY, Accenture, Cognizant, Deloitte, Amazon, etc.
- IIM Sambalpur has concluded 100% of final placements successfully for its MBA (2021-2023) batch with the highest package of Rs 64.61 LPA (Domestic) and Rs 64.15 LPA (International).
- Prof. Mahadeo Jaiswal, Director, IIM Sambalpur, expressed his gratitude towards the government of India’s progressive policy and Industry’s belief in the calibre of students and the Institute’s unique academic culture and core values
Prof. Mahadeo Jaiswal, Director, IIM Sambalpur, expressed his gratitude towards the government of India’s progressive policy and Industry’s belief in the calibre of students and the Institute’s unique academic culture and core values, i.e., Innovation, Integrity, and Inclusiveness. Overall, the outstanding placements of the 2021-23 MBA batch at IIM Sambalpur demonstrate the Institute’s commitment to providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen careers.
More than 130 recruiters participated in the recruitment process at the institute, with 75 new recruiters making offers across various domains. The MBA batch size also increased from 156 last year to 167 students this year.