Jackky Bhagnani, on the back of successes in B-town, will now be joining hands with creative producer Juno Chopra of BR Films, who has recently produced successful films like Pati Patni Aur Woh, Ittefaq and Bareilly Ki Barfi to remake the well-known 1980 film – The Burning Train. A film that had united many Indians in their love for cinema with the superstar cast and an action-thriller story ahead of its time, The Burning Train is remembered as one of the classics of its time.
“The Burning Train is a film that I grew up watching, and I’m sure many of us did. It’s a classic in Bollywood and I’m thrilled to be working with my dear friend Juno to try and recreate the magic that Ravi Chopra sir had done years ago. It’s a film with its heart at the right place and we are all set to give it our all,” says Jackky Bhagnani.
“I’m very excited about this collaboration and The Burning Train has always been my all time favourite. It was directed by my dad, I am very excited to make my version of the film. Currently, we’re on the verge of signing the director as well as the lead cast, which will be our next announcement,” added Juno Chopra.
The Burning Train was a film that released in 1980 and revolved around the story of, as the name suggests, a train named Super Express which caught fire on its inaugural run. Starring some of the biggest names from Bollywood, including Dharmendra, Hema Malini, Vinod Khanna, Parveen Babi, Jeetendra, and Neetu Singh in pivotal roles, The Burning Train was an action-thriller that had audiences hooked onto their seats and biting their nails. The film was directed by Ravi Chopra and produced by B R Films. The director of the remake will be announced soon and the film will go on floors later this year.
Pooja Entertainment has had a very successful year with their recent film Jawaani Jaaneman doing extremely well at the box office. They have always been drawn to and have produced content-driven films that have an interesting storyline while being entertaining. They’re now looking forward to Coolie No. 1 with Varun Dhawan and Sara Ali Khan, which will release on May 1, 2020. They have also announced their next movie – Bell Bottom with superstar Akshay Kumar playing the lead.