Despite rain, over 1100 took part in the Cyclothon organised by the HCL Corporation at the break of the dawn on Sunday morning in Chennai. The Cyclothon for professional cyclists and amateurs started from Mayajal Multiplex on the East Coast Road in Chennai. The event was organised by HCL Corporation in association with the Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu, Government of Tamil Nadu, and under the patronage of the Cycling Federation of India.
தமிழ்நாடு இளைஞர் நலன் மற்றும் விளையாட்டு மேம்பாட்டுத்துறையின் இன்னொரு முயற்சியாக @SportsTN_ மற்றும் @hcltech இணைந்து ஏற்பாடு செய்த சென்னையின் முதல் #HCLCyclothon போட்டியை சென்னை கிழக்கு கடற்கரை சாலையில் இன்று தொடங்கி வைத்தோம்.
Professional – Amateur ஆகிய பிரிவுகளில் வெற்றி…
— Udhay (@Udhaystalin) October 15, 2023
Tamil Nadu Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development Udhayanidhi Stalin graced the event as Chief guest,flagged off the Cyclothon and felicitated the winners in the presence of Sundar Mahalingam, President, Strategy at HCL Corporation and Maninder Pal Singh, Secretary General at Cycle Federation of India.
HCL Cyclothon featured an exciting prize purse of INR 30 Lakhs which was awarded to the top finishers.
Addressing at the event, Sundar Mahalingam, President – Strategy, HCL Corporation, said “At HCL, we believe in multiplying the potential of individuals by fostering collaboration and a shared purpose. The overwhelming response to the Chennai edition of HCL Cyclothon fills us with enthusiasm and gratitude. We look forward to organising more cycling initiatives in the future.”
Udhayanidhi Stalin, expressed his appreciation, said, “I wholeheartedly welcome HCL’s role in expanding the horizons of sports in Tamil Nadu. It’s truly inspiring to witness a substantial gathering of cycling enthusiasts championing fitness and fostering a sporting culture in our state. This also underscores the unwavering dedication of the Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu and the Government of Tamil Nadu to create an environment conducive to sporting excellence. By encouraging cycling, we are not only nurturing the growth of a sport but also fostering a sustainable and green future for Tamil Nadu.”
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Maninder Pal Singh, Secretary General at the Cycle Federation of India said, “We received an overwhelming response in the first edition, and this time too we saw greater participation and enthusiasm from cyclists of all levels. We believe that this momentum will continue in the coming years and people will keep adopting cycling as their way of living. The federation has an optimistic outlook for the future, anticipating even more significant participation and enthusiasm in the coming years.”
The cyclists began peddaling from Mayajaal Multiplex on ECR Road at the break of the dawn and took several loops of the route as per their respective categories.
The Chennai edition featured a prize purse of total Rs 30 lakhs which comprises Rs. 15 lakhs for professionals and Rs. 15 lakhs for amateurs.
Category | Professional | Amateur | ||
Individuals | Team | Road Race | MTB Road Race | |
Description | Only CFI licensed cyclists can participate in this category | This category is open for road race | This category is open for MTB (Mountain Bike) | |
Prize | Rs. 15 Lakhs | Rs. 7.5 Lakhs Rs. 7.5 Lakhs | ||
Age group | 19 to 35 years | Elite: 18-35 years
Masters: 35+ years |
Distance | 55 KM | 55 KM | 24 KM | |
Awards | Winners will be awarded to the top 10 males and females | Top five / three teams of cyclists will be awarded | Top 3 men and women cyclists in the overall category and within the age group from 18 to 30, 30 + to 45, and 45 + will be awarded. |
Earlier this year, the first edition HCL Cyclothon was held in Noida, Uttar Pradesh witnessed a participation of over 1000 cyclists. The event awarded prize money to the top 70 participants in the professionals and amateur categories.
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