Immediately after the Lok Sabha and Vikravandi polls, power consumers in Tamil Nadu will have to shell out more for every unit of electricity consumed with effect from July 1. As per the new tariffs announced by the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC), power charges in the southern state have been hiked by 4.83 per cent.
- Power tariff hiked from Rs 4.60 to Rs 4.80 for up to 400 units
- From 401 to 500 units, power rates to be Rs 6.45 per unit
- From 501 to 600 units used, the prices have been raised from Rs 8.15 to Rs 8.55 per unit
- Rs 11.80 per unit to be charged after 1000 units
According to the new tariffs released by the TNERC, prices have increased from Rs 4.60 to Rs 4.80 for power usage between 0 and 400 units. The charges for the next 100 units consumed, from 401 to 500 units, have been hiked from Rs 6.15 to Rs 6.45 per unit.
From 501 to 600 units used, the prices have been raised from Rs 8.15 to Rs 8.55 per unit. Prices for the usage of anywhere between 601 and 800 units will be Rs 9.65 per unit, which stood at Rs 9.20 per unit till June 30.
Also, prices have increased from Rs 10.20 to Rs 10.70 for power usage between 801 to 1000 units, while every unit consumed after this mark will cost Rs 11.80.