Kollywood’s lady Superstar, Nayanthara has joined hands with director Milind Rau for her next film, Netrikann. The film will be produced by Nayanthara’s boyfriend Vignesh Shivan and this also marks his debut venture under the banner of Rowdy Pictures. Ever since the producers announced about the film last year, moviegoers are super excited to know what’s in stores next. According to reports, the film is said to be an official adaptation of the Korean crime thriller Blind. However, nothing much is yet to be confirmed.
According to latest update about the film, the makers of Nayanthara starrer are planning to release the film on August 15 this year. Vignesh Shivan and the team have reportedly decided to get an Independence Day release, however, an official announcement on the same is awaited.
The makers of Netrikann are waiting for the lockdown to end and make some special announcement about their upcoming film. It is speculated Nayanthara could be playing a blind character in the film and will also feature a Labrador dog in a pivotal role. More details about the film are expected to be and enthral the fans soon.
Earlier, in a statement, producer Vignesh Shivan had said, “We as an entire team owe a lot to Superstar Rajinikanth sir, late director K Balachandar Sir and Mrs Pushpa of Kavithalaya Productions for giving us the title Netrikann. Milind’s script is an interesting and intriguing thriller. Just like his previous film, this will also be entertaining for the audience.”