A total of 33 COVID-19 positive cases were reported on Wednesday in Tamil Nadu with Chennai alone recording 15 new cases, the health department said. No fresh deaths were recorded which stands at 18, a bulletin issued by the department said.
With the new cases, the total number of people infected by the virus in the state mounted to 1,629. With the addition of the fresh cases, Chennai had 373 positive cases followed by Coimbatore 134.
On Tuesday, 76 new cases were recorded while the previous day it was 43 and a whopping 106 cases on Sunday.
Of the 33 new cases reported on Wednesday, 10 were women and the remaining men, the bulletin said.
The youngest patient who turned COVID19 positive was a 12-year-old boy from Ariyalur district while the oldest a 68-year-old man from Madurai.
The number of patients discharged today was 27 aggregating to 662 in the state.
Nearly 23,760 people are under home quarantine while 155 in Government facilities, says the bulletin.