Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami has increase the solatium for Corona Warriors to Rs. 50 lakhs from Rs. 10 lakhs on Wednesday.
கொரோனா தடுப்பு நடவடிக்கைகள் மற்றும் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு அளிக்கப்படும் சிகிச்சைகள் குறித்து, இன்று சென்னை ராஜீவ்காந்தி அரசு பொது மருத்துவமனை, கோவை ESI மற்றும் அரசு மருத்துவக்கல்லூரி மருத்துவமனைகளின் மருத்துவர்கள், செவிலியர்களுடன் காணொலிக் காட்சி மூலம் ஆலோசனை மேற்கொண்டேன்.
— CMOTamilNadu (@CMOTamilnadu) April 22, 2020
In a statement issued here, the Chief Minister said that a family member of the deceased would also be given a government job based on qualifications.
The increased solatium is applicable to those dedicated themselves in the fight against COVID-19 from health and family welfare, police and local administration departments.
The Union government had already announced medical insurance of Rs. 50 lakh for health workers, involved in the fight against COVID-19, the Chief Minister said in the statement.
The government will take every step for a decent burial of Frontline Warriors out of Coronavirus, irrespective of their employment status – whether private or government. Palaniswami said it is the bounden duty of the government to extend full honour dedicates services of the frontline warriors.
The Chief Minister also directed the officials to intensify precautionary and screening efforts in Chennai to identify those with symptoms such as breathing difficulty, cold and cough, to trace contacts of COVID-19 positive cases, IAS officers Karthikeyan and Baskaran have been appointed as special additional zonal officers for this purpose, the statement adds.
Earlier, the Chief Minister held talks with the doctors who are working in coronavirus special wards in various government hospitals across the state and assured them that the goverment will ensure their protection at any cost through video conference in the morning.