Amazon Prime Video on Monday announced the exclusive India digital premiere of the much-awaited sequel of the popular adventure comedy franchise, Jumanji: The Next Level. Directed by Jake Kasdan, the film is set three years after the adventurous ride in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, where viewers’ favourite thrill-seeking group of teenagers, along with an old friend and two unwitting additions, are trapped in Jumanji. The film comprises a stellar star cast, including Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart, Awkwafina, and Nick Jonas, among others. Prime Members in India can now enjoy the fantasy adventure film Jumanji: The Next Level starting May 10, 2020.
The gang is back but the game has changed. As they return to Jumanji to rescue one of their own, they discover that nothing is as they expect. The players will have to brave parts unknown and unexplored, from the arid deserts to the snowy mountains, to escape the world’s most dangerous game.
Jumanji: The Next Level will join the thousands of TV shows and movies from Hollywood and Bollywood in the Prime Video catalogue. These include Indian-produced Amazon Original series like The Family Man, Mirzapur, Inside Edge and Made In Heaven, and award-winning and critically acclaimed global Amazon Original series, including Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, The Boys, Hunters, Fleabag and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, all on Prime Video, which is available at no extra cost for Amazon Prime members. The service includes titles available in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, and Bengali.
Prime members will be able to watch Jumanji: The Next Level anywhere and anytime on the Prime Video app for smart TVs, mobile devices, Fire TV, Fire TV stick, Fire tablets, Apple TV, etc. In the Prime Video app, Prime members can download episodes on their mobile devices and tablets and watch anywhere offline at no additional cost