In the fight against COVID-19 outbreak, employees of the country’s largest lender, the State Bank of India (SBI) have decided to contribute an additional amount of Rs.7.95 crore to PM CARES Fund. The total donation made by SBI employees by letting go of one-day’s salary and a day’s leave encashment is now amounted to Rs. 107.95 crore.
In March 2020, around 2,56,000 employees of SBI had donated Rs.100 crore to the PM CARES Fund which is created to fight the coronavirus pandemic. SBI has also committed 0.25% of annual profit for FY 2019-20 as a part of its CSR activities to fight COVID-19.
At this time of crisis, SBI is making all efforts to provide the best possible banking services to its customers. The bank is also constantly urging citizens to avail of digital banking services and avoid moving out of the house so that much needed social distancing is maintained.