Tamil Nadu on Sunday recorded eight more deaths due to COVID-19, taking the toll to 111 while 765 fresh cases saw the state’s total infections breaching the 16,000 mark, a bulletin said.
587 Covid-19 Positive cases in Chennai today. #Covid19Chennai #GCC #Chennai #ChennaiCorporation— Greater Chennai Corporation (@chennaicorp) May 24, 2020
A total of 833 people were discharged with the number eclipsing the day’s new cases as the cumulative recoveries rose to 8,324, according to a communique from health department.
Chennai remained the worst hit, accounting for 587 more cases and its total alone crossed the 10,000 mark and stood at 10,576 out of the state’s tally of 16,277.
As many as 47 new cases were people who returned to the state from various places, the bulletin said.
Six people from the state capital and a 65-year old man and a 50-year old man from neighbouring Thiruvallur and Chengalpattu districts respectively became the latest fatalities to the deadly virus, the bulletin said adding all the eight were suffering from various ailments, it adds.