The Tamil Nadu government has proposed to establish a Turmeric Research Institute at Modakurichi in Erode district to enhance production and help the growers realise more income, said Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami here on Friday.
The institute will be established at a cost of Rs 30 crore. Speaking to reporters after launching numerous welfare projects here, Palaniswami said the farmers in the district would benefit a lot.
Turmeric is currently cultivated on 13,955 acres in Erode, Kodumudi, Modakurichi, Bhavani, Anthiyur and Gobichettipalayam areas which are irrigated by Lower Bhavani Project (LBP) canal and Kalingarayan Canal.
About six lakh tonnes of turmeric is produced in the district annually and 60 per cent of it is exported in the form of turmeric powder and value-added products.
Last year, the Geographical Indication Registry had granted Geographical Indication (GI) tag to the district”s turmeric which has a curcumin content of 2.5 to 3.5 per cent.
Earlier, the Chief Minister released a documentary on precautionary measures to control COVID-19 at the Erode Collectorate.
Turning to other issues, Palaniswami said a project to rejuvenate the Lower Bhavani Project canal at a cost of Rs 935 crore is under consideration.
Also, check dams will be constructed at seven places and a project to provide protected drinking water from Cauvery for Erode and its neighborhood at a cost of Rs 484.45 crore will be completed in two months.
The Rs 1,652 crore Athikadavu Avinashi irrigation- cum-drinking water project is progressing as scheduled and it will be completed by December 2021.
To a question, he dismissed as untrue a move to bifurcate Erode district and said creating more districts is not on the cards.