Tamil Nadu on Saturday breached the grim milestone of two lakh Coronavirus cases with the biggest daily spike of 6,988 fresh infections, pushing the tally to 2,06,737 till date. The death toll climbed to 3,409 with 89 fatalities.
கொரோனா சிகிச்சை பெற்று குணமடைந்து பணிக்கு திரும்பிய, தலைமையிட இணை ஆணையாளர் திருமதி.C. மஹேஷ்வரி இ.கா.ப., மற்றும் 69 காவல் ஆளிநர்களை சென்னை பெருநகர காவல் ஆணையாளர் திரு.மகேஷ்குமார் அகர்வால், இ.கா.ப., அவர்கள் 24.7.2020 அன்று…. .
— GREATER CHENNAI POLICE -GCP (@chennaipolice_) July 25, 2020
However, the cumulative number of cured persons, at 1,51,055, outnumbered the total active cases which stood at 52,273.
Incidentally, today’s discharges, 7,758, were more than the total infections of 6,988. Continuing with the aggressive testing, health workers tested 64,315 samples, taking the aggregate beyond 22 lakh.
The state’s first Covid-19 case was reported in March with a 45-year-old man from Kancheepuram who had returned from Oman testing positive.
The state crossed the one lakh mark on July 3 and sailed past 1.50 lakh cases on July 15.
Though the state had initially reported low numbers and even seemed to be heading towards flattening the curve, two clusters led to fast spread of the pandemic, putting Tamil Nadu among the worst affected states.
Meanwhile, on Saturday, the State capital Chennai reported 1,329 new cases, as its overall tally spiked to 93,537.
According to the bulletin, besides Chennai, several districts continued to record a sharp rise in the number of fresh cases with Chengalpet having 449 infections, Kancheepuram 442, Tiruvallur 385, Virudhunagar 376 and Tuticorin 317.
Among the 89 fatalities reported today, five had no comorbidities.
An 18-year-old girl from Thoothukudi admitted to district medical college hospital died due to ”immune suppressants” while a 96-year-old man from Coimbatore was brought dead to the Coimbatore Medical College Hospital.
His blood sample was tested which confirmed he was COVID-19 positive and he died due to ”bilateral bronchopneumonia”, the bulletin said.
Among the 6,988 new cases, 62 of them were returnees from domestic and overseas locations.
A private lab in Tirunelveli district has received the approval for conducting COVID-19 tests, taking the total number of such facilities operational in the state to 115, with 58 of them government operated ones.