Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday night appealed the people to stay from the rumour-mongers and don’t give room for “vested interests’’ to carry out their evil design of dividing the society.
In a series of tweets, Modi termed the violence and unrest spread across various states is unfortunate and deeply distressing.
He said the CAA did not affect any Indian of any religion. “No Indian has anything to worry regarding this Act. This Act is only for those who have faced years of persecution outside and have no other place to go except India.”
Modi said, “This is the time to maintain peace, unity and brotherhood. It is my appeal to everyone to stay away from any sort of rumour and falsehoods.” Debate, discussion and dissent were essential parts of democracy “but never has damage to public property and disturbance of normal life been a part of our ethos.”
While addressing in an election rally in Jharkhand on Monday, the Home Minister Amit Shah said, the CAA is to give citizenship to religiously persecuted refugees, it is not to take away the citizenship of any Indian. Some parties are spreading rumours and inciting violence for their political interest. I request students to go through the CAA once and not fall in their trap.