HMD Global, the home of Nokia phones, on Tuesday launched the Nokia 5310 across leading mobile retail stores of India. Reimagining the original Nokia 5310 Xpress Music, the Nokia 5310 brings with it an MP3 player and FM radio (which can be played wired or wireless), combined with powerful, dual front-facing speakers letting you carry your favourite tunes with you on the go. The Nokia 5310 remixes classic design with a slick new feel and battery that’s built to last, keeping you connected day after day.
The Nokia 5310 will be available in White/Red and Black/Red at a recommended best buy price of Rs 3,399 for the dual SIM variant, says a top official of the company.
Commenting on the launch of sales, Sanmeet Singh, Vice President, HMD Global, said: “The Originals have always had a special place in our portfolio, as much as in our hearts and the hearts of our fans. Nokia 3310 and Nokia 8110 together have millions of users in the country. We’re very excited to be able to keep the trend going with the Nokia 5310, which has received a very warm welcome and acceptance by online consumers across India over the past few weeks.”
“With the reimagined original Nokia 5310, we’ve brought to our consumers across India, a unique proposition, which is delightful not just for feature phone users, but also to smartphone users who will want to own the phone as their companion device. This popular phone is now coming to leading mobile retails outlets across the country and I’m sure our fans will love to own it.”