With the unending spike in COVID-19 positive cases in the country, actor-producer Suriya announced that his highly-anticipated film Soorarai Pottru getting an OTT release – on Amazon Prime Video from October 30, 2020 – has surprised his fans on Ganesh Chaturthi.
Earlier, the actor had rubbished the rumours of the movie’s release on any video streaming platform and had also reiterated that the film is meant for the big screen.
This has fuelled the speculation among the fans of Kollywood films that Vijay’s Master and Dhanush’s Jagame Thandhiram too would release on a video streaming platform.
Like Suriya, the directors of both the films had recently stated that their projects will not release on OTT platforms whatsoever. Lokesh Kanagaraj, director of Vijay’s Master recently said during a media interaction that even the film’s update like teaser or trailer can only be unveiled once the lockdown ends.
Incidentally, Jagame Thandhiram director Karthik Subbaraj had said that he cannot comment on the trailer or the teaser release of the film unless there is a clarity about the reopening of theatres. Jagame Thandhiram was scheduled for a release on August 27, 2020.
He was quoted as saying, “I am sure every filmmaker wants to watch their film on the big screen along with the audience. The theatre experience will always remain close to my heart.”
In these uncertain times, the video streaming platforms will be an option for the big-budget films to rake in the moolah.