Tamil Nadu reported 5,967 fresh COVID infections as the tally inched towards four lakh cases while death toll touched 6,614 with 97 fatalities on Monday.
Of the new cases, Chennai accounted for 1,278 and nearby districts of Chengelpet (306), Kancheepuram (226) and Tiruvallur (320) together logged 852 cases while the remainder was scattered across the state.
Those dead include 92 with comorbidities and five had no chronic illnesses. Three women, aged 90, 27 and 23 besides a 35 year-old man were among the latest victims.
With the fresh infections, the state’s infection count touched 3,85,352 and might cross the four lakh mark in a few days from now considering over 5,000 new infections daily in recent times.
It was on July 25, Tamil Nadu crossed the two lakh mark (2,06,737 cases including 6,988 reported on that day) after aggregating one lakh cases on July 3.’
On Monday, as many as 70,023 samples were tested and in total 42,76,640 specimens have been examined.
On the brighter side, the active cases are only 53,282 and 3,25,456 people have so far recovered including 6,129 patients who were discharged from various hospitals on Monday, the health bulletin said.