Tamil Nadu on Friday recorded 5,976 new COVID-19 cases, taking the tally to 4,51,827, while 79 fatalities pushed the death toll to 7,687, the Health department said.
Active cases stood at 51,633 with 6,334 discharges from various healthcare facilities and in total 3,92,507 have recovered, a health department bulletin said.
According to the bulletin, 83,699 samples were tested today, taking the tally to 51,30,741 till date.
Chennai clocked 998 new cases while neighbouring Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur and Chengalpet districts collectively contributed 784 of the new infections.
Ranipet, Tirupattur, Vellore, Thiruvannamalai, Villupuram and Kallakurichi recorded a total of 875 cases today.
Cuddalore and Coimbatore saw a sharp spike of 499 and 595 cases respectively.
Madurai recorded 123 new cases while Thanjavur, Pudukottai, Tirunelveli and Trichy saw their numbers going up by over 100 infections each.
Of the state’s tally of 4,51,827 cases, Chennai’s share was 1,39,720, the bulletin said.
As many as 25 people who had tested positive today were returnees from various destinations.
Of the 79 dead, eight had comorbidities who were between 48 years and 58 years.
A 22-year old man from Cuddalore district who was COVID-19 positive with “morbid obesity” was admitted to the district government hospital and died on September 3.
The deceased also included two 90-year old men, the bulletin said.