Online travel aggregator AbhiBus has launched a special campaign of offering 100% cashback on Bus Tickets originating from Gujarat. This festive season campaign is a strive towards amplifying the awareness on behalf of the bus operators & services in the state that are back in business as there is already an increased engagement by Gujarat based travelers on the platform who are not able to figure out the routes that are open for travel, a release said.
The offer will be available from October 19, 2020, till November 30, 2020, for customers using any payment method on AbhiBus platforms (Paytm/any of the UPI platforms or all).
AbhiBus has observed that owing to the gradual unlock and the upcoming festive season, the travel demand has been picking up in Gujarat. Although the supply-side has resumed only recently, travellers are still not aware of the same and AbhiBus is reaching out to its customer base with the latest travel trends and updates.
Initiating this campaign in the state, Rohit Sharma, COO, Abhibus said, “Gujarat has been one of our primary states where we have witnessed a 5X growth in inquiries as compared to Pre-COVIID times and nearly 4.5 Lakh unique visitors from Gujarat have landed on our platform in the last 4 weeks. We also understand people’s need to travel after a 6-month long hiatus. However, the uncertainty surrounding the travel industry still keeps many unaware of which routes are operational again. This campaign to avail 100% Cashback is simply a helping hand to our customers of the regions where bus operations have resumed but awareness might be low”.
The online travel aggregator recently has also joined hands with Google Pay, the Country’s most trustworthy UPI payment Gateway to bring the largest online bus inventory to Google Pay App’s SPOT section. This strategic tie-up is a demand-driven initiative as the platform is already witnessing a spike in bookings in the past 2 to 3 weeks amidst the festive season and it is expected to spike further during Dussehra and Diwali.