Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit on Sunday allocated the Agriculture portfolio, held by the late R Doraikannu in the K Palaniswami-led state cabinet, to Higher Education Minister K P Anbalagan, a Raj Bhavan release said on Sunday.
Anbalagan has been re-designated as Minister for Higher Education and Agriculture, a Raj Bhavan press release said. “On the advice of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu has allotted the portfolios Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Agro Service Cooperatives, Horticulture, Sugarcane Cess, Sugarcane Development and Waste Land Development, held by Thiru (Mr) R Doraikannu, since deceased, to Thiru K P Anbalagan,” it said.
Doraikkannu, admitted to a private hospital last month for treatment for COVID-19, died late on Saturday.