Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday dedicated a Rs 380 crore fifth reservoir to cater to Chennai city’s drinking water supply and laid the foundation stone for various infrastructure projects, totalling over Rs 67,000 crore, across the state. The projects for which Shah laid the foundation stone included the Rs 61,843 crore phase II of Chennai Metro Rail, elevated highway in Coimbatore at an estimated Rs 1,620 crore, a barrage across river Cauvery in Karur district and IOCL’s projects worth over Rs 3,000 crore here.
Shah dedicated the Thervaikandigai resevoir in Tiruvllur district and laid the foundation stone for the initiatives virtually from Kalaivanar Arangam in the city, which was attended by Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami and his deputy O Panneerselvam.