The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami announced a public holiday on Wednesday as Cyclone Nivar is expected to make landfall on November 25 between Mamallapuram and Karaikal.
Mr. Palaniswami also appeals the public to stay at home and to follow the guidelines provided by the government then and there.
Hi Chennai, get ready for a Candle Light dinner tonight.
Power may get shut down anytime, be prepared with "Candles, Power Banks & Essentials"
Just get rid of mobiles and enjoy d climate by being safe at home. #chennairains #ChennaiFloods @praddy06 #CycloneNivar
— Naveen N (@iamyournaveen) November 24, 2020
The Chief Minister also convened a review meeting at Ezhilagam in Chennai on Wednesday.
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The announcement by the Chief Minister comes a day after he had issued a statement requesting the public to stay indoors and cancelling bus services in seven districts. The bus services are cancelled in Pudukkottai, Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Tiruvaru, Cuddalore, Villupuram and Chengalpattu from 1 pm of November 24. The public was also instructed to use their own vehicles to travel for essentials.
The Chief Minister also advised people to safeguard Aadhaar ID, driving license, Voters ID, bank passbook, school certificate and property documents by storing them in areas that will remain unaffected by a flood-like situation. He also told people to stock essentials including candles, batteries and match boxes.