Tamil Nadu on Wednesday reported 1,181 new COVID-19 cases taking the tally to 8,02,342 and the death toll touched 11,931 with 12 more fatalities.
The active cases stood at 9,880 with 1,240 patients getting discharged from various hospitals and cumulatively 7,80,531 people have got cured till date.
As many as 73,015 samples were tested and in total 1,31,59,822 specimens have been examined under the Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction method in 232 labs in the state.
Of the fresh cases, Chennai logged 341, neighbouring Chengelpet and Kancheepuram 74 and 40 respectively. The tally of 8.02 lakh plus cases include the state capital’s 2,20,903, a health department bulletin said. Those dead include 10 with co-morbidities and two with no chronic illness. The death toll of 11,931 covers Chennai’s 3,931, the highest.
Puducherry logged 32 more cases of coronavirus on Wednesday raising the total infection count to 37,582, a government official said. Director of the Department of Health and Family Welfare S Mohan Kumar said the new cases spread over Puducherry 16, Karaikal 3 and Mahe 13 were identified at the end of examination of 3,477 samples in the last 24 hours ending 10 am today.
He said a 57-year old woman from neighbouring Uzhavarkarai village succumbed to the illness, pushing the toll to 622. The patient did not have any co-morbidity but died of COVID-19 pneumonia.
Twenty eight patients were discharged after recovery during last twenty four hours. The fertility and recovery rates were 1.66 percent and 97.55 percent. As many as 4.40 lakh samples were tested so far and 3.99 lakh turned out to be negative out of them. Of the total 37,582 COVID-19 patients, 299 were active, 36,661 patients recovered and were discharged, he said.