Days after Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani had asked Rahul Gandhi if he knew the difference between coriander and fenugreek, Gujarat BJP president C R Paatil on Thursday criticised Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for supporting farmers” protests and questioned them on their knowledge of agri commodities.
BJP counter-campaign: Not even one pc of farmers opposing farm laws, says Gujarat Dy CM
Targeting the two national opposition politicians, he sought to know if they knew the difference between green cluster bean (guar) and green pigeon pea (tur).
ખેડૂતો APMC બહાર પોતાની ઉપજ વેચી શક્તા ન હતા,
પરંતુ દેશના ખેડૂતોને પોતાની ઉપજ ગમે ત્યાં વેચવાની સ્વતંત્રતા કૃષિ સુધાર કાયદાઓ થકી @narendramodi સરે આપી— C R Paatil (Modi Ka Parivar) (@CRPaatil) December 17, 2020
Paatil dismissed Kejriwal as a “paper tiger” and accused the Congress of “misguiding” farmers and doing politics over their ongoing protests outside Delhi against the Centre’s new agri-marketing laws.
The main opposition party was in favour of these farm sector reforms when it was in power at the Centre, the BJP leader said.
ગુજરાત સરકારનાં માનનીય મંત્રીશ્રીઓની ઉપસ્થિતિ વચ્ચે સુરત-તાપી-ભરૂચ-નર્મદા જિલ્લાના સાંસદશ્રીઓ, ધારાસભ્યશ્રીઓ, પ્રમુખશ્રીઓ, ચૂંટણી ઇન્ચાર્જશ્રીઓ અને હોદ્દેદારશ્રીઓને પેજ પ્રમુખ અને પેજ કમિટી બનાવવા અંગે માર્ગદર્શન આપ્યું.
— C R Paatil (Modi Ka Parivar) (@CRPaatil) December 17, 2020
“Delhi is a city which has been given the status of a state, and that is why it has a chief minister too. In a real sense, the CM (Kejriwal) has powers of a city’s mayor only.
“Kejriwal is now trying to establish his dominance over the entire country’s politics despite being just a paper tiger,” said Paatil, addressing a gathering of farmers in Bardoli town of Surat district.
The gathering was organised as part of ruling BJP’s exercise to counter the agitators’ narrative and make people aware about the three farm laws being opposed by a section of cultivators and their organisations, who are camping outside Delhi for the last 22 days.
Boosting milk production
via NaMo App— C R Paatil (Modi Ka Parivar) (@CRPaatil) December 17, 2020
“I am sure he (Kejriwal) and Rahul Gandhi may not be knowing the difference between green cluster bean and green pigeon pea.
“Such people are talking about the welfare of farmers,” said the Lok Sabha MP from Navsari.
He said farmers from just a couple of states are taking part in the agitation.
“The Congress is doing politics in the name of farmers’ protests. Except for two states (Punjab and Haryana), there is no agitation anywhere in the country, which proves that farmers have realised that agri laws brought by Prime Minister Narendra Modi are good for them,” Paatil added.