Dhollywood actor and theatre artist who is the heartthrob of fun-loving Gujju woman of all ages Malhar Thakar says the second season of the Gujarati web show Do Not Disturb will bring back lots of action, drama, and fun. And above all, it will reflect the present-day society and the problems faced by a young couple and how they face it.
Directed by Sandeep Patel, the six episodic series- Do Not Disturb- will see Manasi along with Malhar Thakar reprising their roles as Meera and Maulik.
The show revolves around a couple who have been married for the last seven years, as they explore the complexities of being together, facing an identity crisis, desires, societal pressures, and the need to reinvent themselves, while still having fun.
Speaking to navjeevanexpress.com, Malhar Thakar said, “A lot of difference between Season 1 and Season 2 of Do Not Disturb. I have deftly played the role of Maulik, husband of Meera. My character is pivotal for the episode which I have done very well.
When asked about the secret of his onscreen chemistry with Manasi in films as well as web series, Thakar said that they are good friends for a long time. Their mutual understanding enhances online chemistry as a couple and well displayed in films as well as web series.
To a query, ”What message you are giving to the young couple in season 2 to keep the family peace?”, Thakar replied that “In a family, everyone should give the much-needed space to others.”
Watch the trailer now – http://bit.ly/DoNotDisturbTrailerS2
Watch the series on MX Player from 23rd Dec – for FREE!