Tamil Nadu has nearly 10 lakh more women voters than men and in total there are 6.26 crore electors, according to the final electoral rolls released by the Election Commission here on Wednesday.
As per the final electoral rolls of Special Summary Revision-2021, Tamil Nadu’s total electorate is 6,26,74,446, Chief Electoral Officer, Satyabrata Sahoo said in an official release here.
The Assembly election is expected to be held in April or early May in Tamil Nadu. Women voters at 3,18,28,727 outnumber men, whose figure stands at 3,08,38,473 and 7,246 are third gender electors.
The final rolls, with January 1, 2021 as the qualifying date, was published today. During the revision, 8,97,694 electors in the age group of 18-19 were enrolled, of whom 4,80,953 are men, 4,16,423 women and 318 third gender. Cumulatively, 13,09,311 voters fall under this age group. The voters in the 30-39 age bracket form the biggest chunk (1,38,48,056) of the 6.26 crore state electorate.
Forty seven overseas electors have also been enrolled and “so far 4,62,597 PwD (Persons with Disabilities) electors have been flagged in the electoral rolls,” the release said.
The Assembly constituency with the highest number of voters is Shozhinganallur in Chengalpattu district with 6,94,845 electors (Men 3,48,262, Women 3,46,476, Third gender, 107). The segment with lowest number is Harbour here with 1,76,272 electors (Men 91,936, Women, 84,281, Third gender, 55).
Continuous updation is in operation and all eligible persons who do not find their names in the rolls may apply, the CEO said.
For election related queries, the public can call their respective District Contact Centres (toll free help line number 1950 across the state), the release said.
The State Contact Centre can be reached at 180042521950.