Ahead of the local body polls in Gujarat, a man carrying unaccounted cash worth Rs 1.34 crore was nabbed in Ahmedabad city, police said on Thursday.
The model code of conduct is in effect in the city for the February 21 polls to six municipal corporations, including Ahmedabad.
“Based on a specific tip-off, police sub-inspector B B Solanki, who was on patrolling duty to maintain law and order because of the upcoming polls, raided a place on Ring Road that passes from Ramol area on Wednesday night and nabbed one Bhavesh Valand with Rs 1.34 crore cash,” a release issued by the police said.
Since Valand, 28, a resident of Vadodara, failed to produce any valid proof regarding the source of money, police seized the “benami cash” under section 102 of the CrPC and detained him for investigation, it added.