Tamil Nadu added 2,342 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, pushing the infection count to 8,84,094 while the death toll mounted to 12,700 with 16 more fatalities.
With the steady rise in fresh infections, the state government today decided to ramp up testing and take steps to reduce the number of fatalities.
According to a health department bulletin, recoveries rose to 8,56,548 today with 1,463 patients being discharged, leaving 14,846 active cases.
Chennai accounted for most of the new infections with 874 cases, taking the aggregate to 2,48,031. The metropolis also leads in the number of fatalities with 4,236.
A total of 83,154 samples were tested on Tuesday, pushing the cumulative number of specimens examined so far to 1,95,11,655.
Chengalpet reported 242 fresh cases today, Coimbatore 207, Thanjavur 114 Kancheepuram 100 while 26 districts logged fresh infections in double digits.
Chief Secretary Rajeev Ranjan undertook a review meeting with the COVID core committee.
The committee, comprising senior government officials, was formed to study the impact of the virus and submit its report to the chief secretary on a daily basis to take up necessary action.
According to an official release, it was decided in the meeting to increase testing of RT-PCR samples in districts and district collectors should take necessary steps for the same.
“In particular, it was decided to increase testing of samples in districts like Tiruchirappalli, Tiruppur, Thiruvannamalai, Krishnagiri, Salem, Dindigul, Nagapattinam and Ranipet,” the release said.
Districts like Chennai, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Chengalpet, which report high number cases, should further ramp up sample testing.
On fatalities caused due to the virus, the release said in the last seven days, the mortality rate was at 0.6 per cent in Chennai, 0.8 per cent in Chengalpet and 0.5 per cent in Thanjavur while in other districts it was ranging between 0.6 per cent and 0.1 per cent.
It was decided at the meeting that the government and private hospitals take all necessary steps to reduce deaths caused by the virus.
COVID care centres have been set up in all the districts and should function to curb the spread the virus.
On vaccination, the release said focus should be on vaccinating those who are above 45 from April 1 as per the Centre’s directive.
Currently, people above 60 and those aged between 45-59 with comorbidities are allowed to take the shot.
Greater Chennai Corporation and other district administrations should take up steps to ensure that those engaged in poll related work get vaccinated over the next few days.
In view of the poll season, it has been mandated that the COVID-19 protocol be strictly followed in political meetings and cultural functions.
“The organiser who obtains the permission to hold such functions or events should take up the responsibility to follow the government laid out norms. The respective district collectors should ensure that the guidelines are strictly followed during such events,” the release added.