Tamil Nadu recorded an all-time high of 17,858 new cases of coronavirus in a single day, pushing the total caseload to 11.48 lakh. The toll rose to 13,933 as 107 more died of the virus, a medical bulletin said.
Recoveries on Thursday aggregated to 10.21 lakh with 15,542 patients being discharged, leaving 1,12,556 active infections, it said.
#TamilNadu #COVID19 Update | 29.04.2021
State Dashboard @MoHFW_INDIA @RAKRI1 @DoHFWTN @TNDPHPM @pibchennai @TNDME1 @TNGOVDIPR #tn_together_againstcorona #stopcoronatn— National Health Mission – Tamil Nadu (@NHM_TN) April 29, 2021
The state capital accounted for the bulk of the total cases reported today by adding 5,445 new infections, totaling 3,28,520 till date.
The metropolis also leads in the number of fatalities with 4,701 people succumbing to the virus. The number of samples tested in the last 24 hours was 1,40,589, pushing the cumulative number of specimens examined so far to 2.25 crore.
Besides Chennai, Chengalpet added 1,164 cases, Coimbatore 1,008 while 31 districts clocked new infections in triple digits. Cuddalore 249, Dharmapuri 154, Dindigul 245, Erode 473, Kallakurichi 214, Kancheepuram 352, Kanyakumari 211, Karur 138, Krishnagiri 371, Madurai 604, Nagapattinam 265, Namakkal 298, Pudukottai 102, Ramanathapuram 205, followed by others.
Among the deceased, 19 of them, including a 31 year old man from Villupuram succumbed to the virus without any pre- existing illness. As many as 39 of them who tested positive today were returnees from various destinations, the bulletin said.
Meanwhile, the government said one returnee from the United Kingdom recently tested COVID-19 positive and was under treatment in an isolation ward.
The state has reported 40 primary and 20 contact cases so far. In another notification, the government said a private lab in Chennai was accorded approval to hold COVID-19 testing recently.