The much expected big budget film ‘Annaatthe’ set to make a big blast on Diwali day. The producer’s, Kalanidhi Maran’s Sun Pictures have announced that the film will release in cinemas, as planned on the day of Diwali (November 4, 2021). At a time when most films are choosing OTT releases, this is good news for Rajinikanth fans.
The production house Sun Pictures tweeted through their official handle, “#AnnaattheDeepavali ku ready ah?! (sic).”
#AnnaattheDeepavali ku ready ah?!@rajinikanth @directorsiva #Nayanthara @KeerthyOfficial @immancomposer #Annaatthe pic.twitter.com/RVVIqO0xJS
— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) July 1, 2021
Annaatthe is scheduled for a theatrical release on 4 November for Deepavali. It boasts of an ensemble cast including Rajinikanth, Prakash Raj, Jackie Shroff , Khushboo, Keerthi Suresh, Nayanthara, Jagapathi Babu, and Meena.
Annaatthe is directed by Siva aka Sivakumar Jayakumar, famous for his Tamil Directorial Siruthai. The film is positioned as a rural drama with composer D Imman working on the soundtrack of the film.