The Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department, Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE, Manipal unveiled a five-day AICTE sponsored ATAL Faculty Development Programme (Virtual Mode) on “Industrial Automation CNC Machines and Intelligent Systems” on August 16.
This was inaugurated by the Director of Manipal Institute of Technology Commander (Dr) Anil Rana. He highlighted the need by the faculty members to update their knowledge concerning Industry 4.0 by attending such programmes and enhance the institute-industry interaction. The programme will benefit over 200 faculties in fine-tuning their knowledge base with the recent advances in the field of industrial automation. The programme aims to explore the topics in the field of IOT, Industry 4.0, CNC Machine Programming, Robot Simulation, Additive Manufacturing and Cobots.
The chief guest of the function B. Harish, the CEO of Micromatic Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, who emphasised on the relevance of CNC Machines, Robots, and IoT in the machine shops. The invitees and participants of the programme were welcomed by the programme chairperson Prof. (Dr). Sathyashankara Sharma, Head of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, MIT, Manipal. The convener of the programme, Prof. (Dr) Raghunandan outlined the overview of the topics to be covered during the five-day program. The inaugural program was witnessed by the co-conveners, Prof. Nagraj and Prof. Suhas Nayak, along with around 200 faculty members from departments across the institute. Prof. Augustine Barboza performed the Master of Ceremony, and Prof. Suhas Nayak proposed the vote of thanks.
The programme is organised with the support of ACE Micrometric Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore as industry partner and University of New South Wales, Australia as academic partner. It is hoped to benefit around 200 faculty members in fine-tuning their knowledge base with the recent advances in the field of industrial automation.