Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday said the ”beat constable” deployed at the lowest level of the police system is the most important person who makes a democracy successful.
Delivering the keynote speech during the 51st foundation day event of the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD), he said democracy cannot be successful if law and order in a country is not good.
Addressing the 51st Foundation Day celebrations of Bureau of Police Research and Development (@BPRDIndia). Watch live!
— Amit Shah (Modi Ka Parivar) (@AmitShah) September 4, 2021
The beat constable, the cop in-charge of the smallest unit under a police jurisdiction, is the main and the most important person who makes the democracy successful, the Union home minister said.
Addressing officers and personnel from various central, state and Union Territory police forces, Shah said the next decade is going to be very important from the point of internal security as the country under Prime Minister Narendra Modi was taking giant leaps in becoming a strong nation and economy.
He added that as many as 3,700 armed cadre of various insurgent groups have surrendered before the Union government in the last two years. Shah said an accord will also be signed with a Karbi Anglong group on Saturday evening.
The minister asked the BPRD, a central government think tank, to prepare the police forces as smart and strong units.