Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel set a record by planting as many as 71,000 trees in the newly constructed “Narendra Modi Van” at Lal Bahadur Shastri Lake in Ahmedabad and conveyed the message of nature conservation to mark PM Modi’s 71st birthday.
CM Shri @Bhupendrapbjp makes the occasion of PM Shri @narendramodi's birthday a green affair by launching the plantation work of a record 71,000 trees using Miyawaki method at 'Narendra Modi Van' being developed by @AmdavadAMC at Lal Bahadur Shastri lake in Bapunagar, Ahmedabad.
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) September 17, 2021
Stating that 71,000 trees would help in increasing the green cover area of Ahmedabad city, the CM expressed the wish of increasing the green cover to save the environment and provide pure oxygen to the citizens by planting more and more trees in the cities and metros of the state.
State Government has organized more than 375 poor welfare programs across the state today to mark his 71st birthday.
Recalling the environmental activities of Modi’s tenure as Chief Minister, Patel said that a separate Climate Change Department has been started in 0020Gujarat in 2009 as a result of Narendra Bhai’s foresight keeping in view the future challenges in the field of environment. Modi started the celebration of Van Mahotsav in various districts of the state from 2009, which was earlier celebrated only in Gandhinagar and has connected the masses with the forest.
Based on the cultural, historical and religious significance at the district level, this celebration of Van Mahotsav has become prevalent at the state level today through which the new energy of love for conservation of nature has also been transmitted to the masses. Today, a total of 21 cultural forests have been established across the state from 2004 to 2021.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, we all understood the importance of oxygen, so instead of getting oxygen from oxygen cylinders, the Chief Minister called for a tree planting campaign to get natural oxygen by planting more and more trees in the state and to develop urban forests by planting intimate trees in less land using the Miyawaki method to increase green cover across the state.
The tree planting program was organized by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation to accelerate the “mission million trees” campaign. Chief Minister was honoured by the leaders of various communities.
Ahmedabad MP Hasmukhbhai Patel, Kiritbhai Solanki, MLAs Pradipsinh Jadeja, Vallabhbhai Kakadia, Ahmedabad City Mayor Kiritbhai Parmar, Standing Committee Chairman were also present.