The Madras High Court has set aside an order of the Tiruvannamalai District Collector, appointing a woman as a noon meal organiser in the Panchayat Union Middle School in a local village, after 11 years.
The original appointment was given to P Tamilarasi in 2009, but later it was issued to S Tamilarasi, by manipulating the initial.
As the writ petitioner P Tamilarasi, admittedly, was from the same village, the appointment order was issued to her and for the purpose of correction, it was taken back. However, the initial was manipulated and the order was issued in the name of S Tamilarasi, Justice S Vaidyanathan noted in his recent order.
As the employment given to S Tamilarasi itself was illegal, she would not be entitled to any other monetary or terminal benefits for the service rendered, as the entry in service itself was illegal, the judge said.
When the entry itself was illegal, that S Tamilarasi illegally usurped the post due to the petitioner, there was no need to conduct departmental proceedings as there was no master-servant relationship from the origin i.e, the date of entry into service. The writ petitioner – P Tamilarasi – is entitled to employment and she shall be provided with the same within two days, the judge said.