Former Punjab chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh announced on Tuesday that he will soon launch a new political party. Singh, who quit the CM post last month following a power tussle in the Congress state unit, also said he is hopeful of a seat-sharing arrangement with the BJP and the breakaway Akali groups for the 2022 Assembly polls.
‘The battle for Punjab’s future is on. Will soon announce the launch of my own political party to serve the interests of Punjab & its people, including our farmers who’ve been fighting for their survival for over a year’: @capt_amarinder 1/3
— Raveen Thukral (@Raveen64) October 19, 2021
“Will soon announce the launch of my own political party to serve the interests of Punjab and its people, including our farmers,” Singh was quoted as saying in a tweet by his media adviser Raveen Thukral.
‘Hopeful of a seat arrangement with @BJP4India in 2022 Punjab Assembly polls if #FarmersProtest is resolved in farmers’ interest. Also looking at alliance with like-minded parties such as breakaway Akali groups, particularly Dhindsa &
Brahmpura factions’: @capt_amarinder 2/3— Raveen Thukral (@Raveen64) October 19, 2021
Singh said Punjab needs political stability and protection from internal and external threats. “I will not rest till I can secure the future of my people and my state,” he said as per Thukral’s tweet.
The 79-year-old veteran politician said he is hopeful of a seat sharing arrangement with the BJP in the 2022 Assembly polls if the ongoing protest against the three controversial agri laws is resolved in farmers’ interest.
“Also looking at alliance with like-minded parties- Akali groups, particularly Dhindsa and Brahmpura,” Thukral further quoted him as saying.