Gujarat Education Minister Jitu Vaghani has announced that the schools for classes 1-5 will be reopened now. The Education Department has decided that the schools will reopen on Monday, November 22, 2021. Along with announcing this, the Minister has also given information about some conditions that have been placed before this reopening is implemented.
- Students should know that attendance has not been made mandatory yet. If anyone is not yet ready to attend offline classes, they can opt for online classes.
- Students of classes 1 to 5 will only be allowed to attend classes after due permission from parents
- COVID-19 safety protocols have to be followed at all times, including wearing of masks, use of sanitisers and maintaining social distancing
- Students will not be allowed to share stationary, food items, and overcrowding is also not allowed.
- As said by Minister, other guidelines will be same as they were when schools reopened for senior classes
To be noted that the Gujarat Schools are shut since the COVID outbreak in India. Even though the state government had reopened schools for senior classes, primary schools were closed. No decisions were made regarding announcement of reopening for classes 1 to 5.
શિક્ષણકાર્ય માટે વર્તમાન માહોલ અનુકુળ હોઇ રાજ્યભરમા આવતીકાલ તા ૨૨મી નવેમ્બરથી પ્રાથમિક શાળાઓમા ધો. ૧ થી ૫ ના વર્ગોનુ ઓફલાઈન શૈક્ષણિક કાર્ય શરૂ કરાશે.
કોરોનાની નિયત જૂની SOPનુ ચુસ્ત પાલન કરાશે.
જે વાલીઓની સંમતિ હશે એ જ બાળકોને શાળામાં શિક્ષણ અપાશે.
— Jitu Vaghani (मोदी का परिवार) (@jitu_vaghani) November 21, 2021
શિક્ષણકાર્ય માટે વર્તમાન માહોલ અનુકુળ હોઇ રાજ્યભરમા આવતીકાલ તા ૨૨મી નવેમ્બરથી પ્રાથમિક શાળાઓમા ધો. ૧ થી ૫ ના વર્ગોનુ ઓફલાઈન શૈક્ષણિક કાર્ય શરૂ કરાશે.
કોરોનાની નિયત જૂની SOPનુ ચુસ્ત પાલન કરાશે.
જે વાલીઓની સંમતિ હશે એ જ બાળકોને શાળામાં શિક્ષણ અપાશે.
— Jitu Vaghani (मोदी का परिवार) (@jitu_vaghani) November 21, 2021
With this announcement, Minister Jitu Vaghani has directed schools to make arrangements in such a way that there is no compromise with COVID-19 safety protocols. Moreover, the Minister has said that schools can impose other sorts of restrictions if needed in order to comply with the guidelines. The common guidelines issued by the department can be checked.