Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday described the tragic incident in Nagaland in which 14 civilians were killed by the Armed Forces as a case of ‘mistaken identity’. Speaking in Lok Sabha, Amit Shah said the Government expresses regret over the incident and added that all agencies have been directed to ensure that such incidents are not repeated in future.
He said that the local administration is taking measures to maintain law and order as the situation on ground remains tense but under control.
“Army had received info on movement of extremists near Tiru, Mon. On that basis, one unit of Army’s 21 Para Commando laid an ambush in suspected area. A vehicle reached there, it was signalled to stop but it tried to flee. On suspicion of carrying extremists, it was fired upon,” Amit Shah told the Lower House of Parliament.
“6 out of the 8 people in vehicle died. It was later found to be a case of mistaken identity. 2 others who were injured were taken to nearest health centre by Army. After receiving news of this, local villagers surrounded the Army unit, set 2 vehicles on fire attacked them,” he added.
The Home Minister said that the ‘Government of India expresses deep regret over the unfortunate incident in Nagaland and also expresses deep sympathies to the bereaved families.
Earlier in the day, Lok Sabha members condemned the killing of civilians during an anti-insurgency operation by security forces in Nagaland and demanded an impartial probe into the incident.
Members also called for repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) enforced in Nagaland that allows security personnel to use force and even open fire after due warning in case of breach of law and order.