The Congress in Gujarat on Tuesday demanded an inquiry by a sitting High Court judge into the leak of a question paper for the exam conducted recently for the recruitment of government head clerks. The party said that “big fish” was always let off whenever such paper leaks happened in the past.
પેપર લીક કૌભાંડ મુદ્દે કોંગ્રેસ પક્ષના વરિષ્ઠ આગેવાશ્રીઓ અને ધારાસભ્યશ્રીઓએ માનનીય મુખ્યમંત્રીશ્રીને આવેદનપત્ર આપ્યું#Gujarat
— Gujarat Congress (@INCGujarat) December 21, 2021
Earlier in the day, the state government declared that the exam, held on December 12, was cancelled following the leak of the question paper ahead of the written test.
Over 30 MLAs of Congress, led by Leader of Opposition Sukhram Rathva, met with Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Tuesday and handed him a memorandum demanding a High Court-monitored probe.
#Headclerk paper leak case: Congress MLA reach Sachivalay to meet CM #BhupendraPatel#Gandhinagar #Gujarat #Tv9News
— Tv9 Gujarati (@tv9gujarati) December 21, 2021
“This is not the first time a paper has been leaked in the state. It is happening again and again because the government never goes to the root of the entire conspiracy. Big fish are always let off while petty criminals are held for the sake of action. Thus, we demand a thorough investigation under the High Court’s supervision,” Rathva told reporters in Gandhinagar after meeting the CM.
પેપર લીક કૌભાંડ મુદ્દે કોંગ્રેસ પક્ષના વરિષ્ઠ આગેવાશ્રીઓ અને ધારાસભ્યશ્રીઓએ માનનીય મુખ્યમંત્રીશ્રીને આવેદનપત્ર આપ્યું#Gujarat
— Gujarat Congress (@INCGujarat) December 21, 2021
On the other hand, BJP said it will take action against anyone who is found guilty in the paper leak probe.
Earlier in the day, Gujarat Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi had said that the paper leak case will be tried in a fast track court to “set an example”.
The written exam for the recruitment of 186 head clerks was held at different centres across the state on December 12 by the Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board (GSSSB), with nearly 88,000 aspirants appearing for the test.
The Congress also demanded that GSSSB chairman Asit Vora, a senior BJP leader, resign on moral grounds.
“If he does not voluntarily accept his responsibility and tenders his resignation, the state government should remove him from the post,” said Rathva.
When asked about Vora’s responsibility in this entire paper leak episode, Gujarat BJP president CR Paatil said the police will take action against the guilty without any discrimination. “Vora is a respected person and a senior BJP leader. But, a free and fair probe is being conducted and the guilty will not be spared. The BJP does not believe in any favouritism. This is a matter of the future of our young people. Stern action will be taken against the culprits,” Paatil told reporters.
At least 14 people have been arrested so far from different parts of Gujarat in connection with the case, according to police.
Congress also demanded that since candidates have incurred expenses on the preparation of the now-cancelled exam, each of the 88,000 candidates should be given Rs 5,000 per month to meet their expenses till the fresh exam takes place.
The government has announced to conduct a fresh exam in March next year. The 14 people arrested by the police include the main accused Jayesh Patel who had acquired the paper a day before the exam was conducted from the manager of a private printing press, where the paper was printed.