The Madras High Court has directed the Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) department to take appropriate steps to remove the encroachments on the lands belonging to Thiruvavaduthurai Adheenam (a Shaivite mutt) in Tenkasi.
Justice R Mahadevan gave the direction last week, while disposing of a petition from Kasidarmam Panchayat Union, by its president in Kadayanallur in Tenkasi and three others.
The civil revision petition challenged an order passed in July 2013 by the Principal District Munsif in Tenkasi.
Disposing of the petition, the judge directed the Kadayanallur Panchayat Union Commissioner to make a request with regard to removal of encroachments of the lands belonging to the Adheenam to the Commissioner of HR&CE department in Chennai, who, being the parens patriae, in turn shall issue appropriate instructions to the respective Joint Commissioners of the HR&CE department to undertake the necessary action.