Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya met the representatives of the doctors’ association at Nirman Bhawan on Tuesday, a day after the police crackdown on the protesting doctors. A 13-member team comprising three doctors from Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, two from Lady Harding, one from LNJP, two from Safdurjung hospital, two GTB hospital, two FORDA and one from FIAMA, met the minister over their ongoing protest against the delay in NEET PG counselling 2021.
Very unfortunate .
The Delhi Police detained several resident
doctors who were marching towards the
residence of Union Health Minister Mansukh
Mandaviya in protest against the delay in NEET-
PG 2021 counseling.@PMOIndia @MoHFW_INDIA @OfficeOf_MM— Dr.Wasim Khan (@DrWasimJKMSA) December 28, 2021
From December 29 @FAIMA_INDIA_ calls for complete withdrawal from all healthcare services across the country condemning manhandling of doctors by Delhi police and demanding propelled action on NEET PG 2021 counselling. Calls upon all RDAs and doctor's associations.
— joymala bagchi (@joymalabagchi) December 27, 2021
We can’t be treating our doctors like this. There’s no justification the cops can offer for such conduct
Listen to them, offer a sensible solution
Assaulting the docs seeking NEET PG 2021 counselling schedule is condemnable@FordaIndia @AIIMSRDA
— Danish Manzoor Bhat (@TellDM) December 28, 2021
Mandaviya has urged the protesting doctors to call off their strike in the public interest. “I held a meeting with all resident doctors. We’re not able to do the counselling because the matter is sub-judice before Supreme Court. The hearing will take place on Jan 6. I hope that NEET PG counselling will start soon,” said Mandaviya after meeting doctors’ representatives in Nirman Bhavan on Tuesday.
The doctors also demanded an apology from the police for their action against them on Monday during the protest. Earlier, the doctors’ protest created a chaos-like situation across hospitals in the capital city as all counters were shut down for the patients. On Monday, the protesting doctors had called for total shutdown of medical services in the hospitals after the police action. The Opposition also slammed the government for police action against resident doctors.
The protesting doctors had started a march from the Safdarjung Hospital towards the health ministry’s office to register protest against the police action on agitating doctors during the protest on Tuesday morning. However, they were stopped by the police.
Meanwhile, the Resident doctors’ association of AIIMS has decided to withdraw all non-emergency services from Tuesday if no steps are taken by the government. The RDAs across the nation have been protesting since November 27 against the multiple postponements of the NEET PG Counselling 2021 and the subsequent admission of the fresh batch of resident doctors in the medical colleges.
On Monday, a protest march was held by the resident doctors towards the Supreme Court, however, they were stopped mid-way by the Delhi Police. As the doctors were not allowed to continue their march, they surrendered their medical apron on the road to register the protest. The doctors alleged they were thrashed and dragged during their march to the Top Court. The police said that seven of their personnel were injured during the chaos. It also said that two buses were damaged at that time.