Ahead of crucial polls in Gujarat, the Congress on Wednesday made appointments in the Social Media and Data Analytics Departments, to strengthen the presence of the party in the social media sphere and for the digital membership drive.
@INCGujarat પ્રમુખ શ્રી જગદીશ ઠાકોરની મુલાકાત કરી માલધારી સમાજના આગેવાનોના પ્રતિનિધિ મંડળે ભાજપ સરકાર દ્વારા થતા અન્યાય અને પડતર પ્રશ્નોની રજુઆત કરીને આવેદનપત્ર આપેલ.
શ્રી@jagdishthakormp દ્વારા ગાય માતા અને ગોચર માટે થતા અન્યાય વિરુદ્ધની લડાઈને સંપૂર્ણ સાથ આપવાની ખાત્રી આપી હતી.— Gujarat Congress (@INCGujarat) March 30, 2022
In the social media department, Mayur Shekhar Jha, Poorva Sharma, Nitin Agarwal, Manoj Mehta, Pankaj Kharbanda and Abhas Bhatnagar have been appointed as national coordinators. Ravinder Das and Bhupinder Singh Mohasa have been appointed in the Data Analytics department.
The Congress party, under the leadership of Shri @RahulGandhi, sets in motion a first-of-its-kind insurance programme for party workers.
40 lakh members of @INCTelangana to be insured!
Premium amount paid through cheque to New India Assurance.
Because, we, are a family.
— Congress (@INCIndia) March 30, 2022
Social Media Head, Rohan Gupta said, “social media is changing day by day, so to step up the social media presence we are appointing people to work as we want to go the booth level.”
हमारी आदिवासियत को भाजपा सरकार छीनने की कोशिश कर रही है : श्री सुखराम राठवा #आदिवासी_विरोधी_भाजपा
— Congress (@INCIndia) March 30, 2022
For Gujarat, the party has held meet of 5,500 volunteers virtually to work for the party and is galvanising the social media presence.