Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said India will soon unveil the AYUSH mark to recognise traditional medicine products which will give the authenticity to quality AYUSH products of the country.
Speaking at the Global AYUSH & Innovation Summit in Gandhinagar.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 20, 2022
The prime minister also said that India will soon start the AYUSH visa category for those who come to the country seeking traditional ways of treatment.
He was speaking after the inauguration of the three-day Global AYUSH Investment and Innovation Summit at Mahatma Mandir here in Gujarat in the presence of Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth and WHO Director General Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus.
India will soon introduce the AYUSH mark, which will give authenticity to quality AYUSH products of the country. The mark will be given to products vetted using the latest technology. This will give confidence to the people of the world that they are purchasing quality AYUSH products, Modi said.
WHO chief Dr Tedros gets a Gujarati name, ‘Tulsibhai’, from Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday gave a new name — ‘Tulsi-bhai’ — to Director-General of the World Health Organization Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus at his request. Dr Ghebreyesus reacted with a laughter when Modi gave him a Gujarati name during a summit here.
The Tulsi plant (‘holy basil’ or Ocimum tenuiflorum) has been an integral part of India’s spiritual heritage, the prime minister said.
Dr Ghebreyesus, who shared the dais with Modi, had tried to start his speech in Gujarati. Modi said Dr Ghebreyesus wanted a Gujarati name.
“When he met me today morning, he said he has become a ‘pucca’ Gujarati. He asked me to give him a Gujarati name. He reminded me on the stage, whether I had decided on a name for him. In this pious land of Mahatma Gandhi, as a Gujarati, I would call my best friend (‘param mitra’) ‘Tulsibhai’,” the prime minister said.
India pharmacy of the world: Mauritius PM
Mauritius PM Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, who is on an eight-day visit to India, on Wednesday called India the pharmacy of the world and expressed gratitude to the country for sending Ayurvedic medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic.
He also gave details of legislative recognition of Ayurveda in Mauritius since 1989. He also thanked Gujarat for providing schoilarships to Mauritius students to pursue Ayurveda in Jamnagar.
Ex-Kenyan PM’s daughter credits ayurveda for regaining eyesight
Former Kenyan PM’s daughter Rosemary Odinga, who was the focus of attention when Prime Minister Narendra Modi called her name from the dais at an event in Gandhinagar on Wednesday, says her story is testimony to the fact that solutions of AYUSH are universal as she credited Ayurveda for regaining her eyesight a few years ago. An Ayurvedic treatment at a Kerala hospital helped bring back her eyesight, which she had lost after suffering from brain aneurysm (weakness in blood vessel) and atrophy (shrinkage of muscle) in the optical nerve.
“I guess it is a testimony that AYUSH has helped someone else, other than India, from another part of the world. It is a testimony that it is universal, that solutions of AYUSH are universal, and I am proud to be part of this story,” said Rosemary Odinga, daughter of former Prime Minister of Kenya Raila Odinga. AYUSH’ denotes Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy. India has a central ministry dedicated to these alternative medicine systems.
She said some time in 2018, she suffered from aneurysm, and subsequently her eyesight became weak.
For treatment, she went to Germany, Japan and South Africa. “I also went to China two times, where I received treatment using acupuncture,” she said.Having not received much success, Rosemary Odinga finally came to India, where she underwent treatment at Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Eye Hospital and Research Centre at Ernakulam in Kerala around two years ago.
Kerala pioneer in Ayurveda tourism: Modi
Prime Minister Modi said that Kerala attracts more tourists for Ayurveda treatment. This can be replicated in all states.